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Welcoming a new child is an exciting time. We are glad you are here. This website provides detailed information about breastfeeding and resources to help you as you give your baby the best start possible.
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The information on this website is for basic information purposes only and should not be used in place of medical advice or care. Please consult a health care provider or lactation professional in your area regarding any concerns and to receive personalized care.

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Why Breastfeed?

Breastfeeding provides: 

  • An amazing bond between mother and child

  • Everything a baby needs for the first six months of life and essential nutrients for the first two years and beyond

  • A food source that automatically adapts to baby's hunger and developmental requirements

  • A cost effective and convenient way to feed a baby

  • And much more


How To Breastfeed

Learn more about the amazing female breast, including how it responds to your baby to make milk.


Learn how to breastfeed - how to watch for your baby's hunger cues and how to establish an effective latch.


Find out more about different breastfeeding positions and how to help your body make more milk, how to express your milk and how to get the best start possible. 

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Crawling Baby
Proud Parents

What to Expect When You are Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural experiences a mother and child can share. Like any learned skill, for some learning to breastfeed may come easily while for others it may be challenging. The good news is small adjustments can make a big differences as both mom and baby get comfortable with the process. 


Learn more about what to expect when you are breastfeeding including changes to your body, diet and activity. Learn about how the breast works, how often babies feed, when to wake your baby to eat and how to know if your baby is getting enough milk. 

Sleepy Baby

Common Concerns


Read about concerns that are common among breastfeeding mothers. Issues about mom's health such as sore nipples, plugged ducts, engorged breasts, mastitis and concerns about too much or not enough milk.  


Find out more about concerns commonly raised about your baby such as jaundice, trouble latching to the breast, calming a fussy baby, waking a sleepy baby.  

Parents with Child
Raising a Newborn

Getting Support & Help

Support from fathers, partners, co-parents, family and friends makes a big difference and helps mothers achieve their breastfeeding goals.


Learn more about the important role a father or co-parent plays in supporting mom, setting breastfeeding goals together, getting to know the baby and giving mom time to breastfeed. 


Find out more about all the things friends and/or family can do to help and where to find resources in your community. 

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